Biometric Alternatives for Passwords

Keeping track of all the passwords for numerous websites can be a hassle and even impossible at times. So why not find a more convenient and efficient way to keep an individual’s information private and secure?  In an article,covered by CNN, it is discussed that instead of using passwords to access an individual’s account the use of  specific traits and behaviors that make every person unique is the next step. The mainstreaming for this technology is still years away because of privacy concerns and getting it to work in the current systems. Yet, a few traits and behaviors are still serious candidates for identification.

Each heartbeat has a distinctive ECG, electrocardiographic signal, and the technology that is able to read that signal has already been developed. What is in the stages of production is the Nymi wristband, pictured above, that will allow access to the multiple devices by detected the individuals heartbeat and confirming their identity.  Another identifiable behavior is an individual’s gait and  researchers have been working on technology that will recognize that gait and identify who the individual is.  With the right software, they believe that someone’s phone, for instance, will be able to identify the owner just by sensing their walk.  For more alternative biometric entries read this article.